Main topic: Tool Grinding

Plan A leads to:

  • Maximum efficiency in production with the easiest operation at the same time.
  • Short amortization period due to perfected technology.
  • Short programming times due to parameterization in standard.
  • Complete process transparency thanks to our own software solutions.

Plan A is based on living digitalization, a passion for precision and a reduction to the essentials.

All-In-One. Intuitive operation. Maximum performance.

Together with our partners, we show how we turn the tool grinding on its head.

Our partners in the field of tool grinding:

Tool Grinding

Multigrind® Radical | Experience the future.

#toolgrinding #millingcutter #welcometothemachine

HSK50 | 10.000 1/min | 9kW
SK50 |  1.200 1/min
Milling cutter: 
70 mm | Ø10 mm
Cycle time:
3 min 30 sec
40 h
Tool magazine:
4 positions
up to 12 grinding wheels

Uncompromising | Grinding cutters.

  • Maximum autonomy times. Minimum space requirement.
  • Complete machining in one clamping, including cylindrical grinding.
  • Optional: Our palletizer.
    • Features: 5 carriers | à 3 pallets | à 120 parts
    • Autonomy: 105 h | 4 days
  • Non-productive time: Radically reduced.
  • Return on Investment: Optimal.
  • Optimized spindle warm-up: 6 x faster.

Multigrind® Radical | Die Zukunft erleben.

#toolgrinding #punch #welcometothemachine

HSK50 | 10.000 1/min | 9 kW
SK50 | 1.200 1/min
8 min 50 sec

Kompromisslos: Stempel schleifen.

  • Maximale Autonomiezeiten auf minimalem Platzbedarf
    • Optional sogar mit Palettierer
    • 5 Böden à 3 Paletten à 120 Teile (120 Teile noch zu bestätigen durch R.Endres)
    • Autonomie von 105h | 4,3 Tagen
  • Optimierter Warmlauf – x mal schneller als normal durch intelligente Steuerung der Kühlzyklen (GS gibt mir die Info) spart Warmlaufzeit und fördert Prozessstabilität
  • Ideale Bearbeitungsbedingungen durch Linearantriebe in X- und Y-Achse zur Oszillation
  • Optional: Closed Loop mit einer Messmaschine zur Geometriekompensation
  • Flexibilität durch eigene Software-Entwicklung – Parameterprogrammierung macht die Programmierung überflüssig – Masterprogramme und Werkzeugtypprogrammen

Tipp: Besuchen Sie uns im Besprechungszimmer 4.

Multigrind® CU | Grinding the milling cutter.

#closedloop #millingcutter #PlanA

HSK50 | 8.000 1/min | 12kW
SK50 | 1.000 1/min
Milling cutter: 
75 mm | Ø12 mm
Cycle time:
35 min
40 h
Tool magazine:
8 positions


Visit us in meeting room 4, where we will demonstrate the flexibility of Multigrind®  Horizon, even for the most complex geometries.

Uncompromising | Milling cutter grinding.

  • Compensation: Uncompromising quality.
  • Saves: Grinding wheels.
    Compensation allows work to continue despite worn grinding wheel. Less loss of quality.
  • Saves: Warm-up phase.
    Compensation enables production with a low warm-up phase.